Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Dare to fly with Eagles...(6)

.. And not with the Chickens...
Traits that Chickens tend to show in the Chicken Coup...
1.   The "definite heirarchy"  found in the Chicken coup is one of "may the fittest chicken win".  If any should be found to be weak, the other chickens will often gang up on the weakling and will  peck it to death.  If one catches a bug, the others will do everything in their power to take it away from them, making them huge bullies.
2.   They are content to scratch in the dirt and are content to eat anything that is thrown into the coup or finds its way there.
3.   They are always looking down.
4.   Even though they are birds, they are earth bound and will only fly in short bursts.

The "Chicken Life" is not the life that the Christian should want to be living!! We've been equipped with everything needed to live the life of the Mighty, majestic eagle!  Don't live your life content to be scratching in the dirt, eating anything that comes your way and content to be living in the Chicken Coup. Dont live your life never learning to fly high above the storms and clouds, never learning to fly the heights you were made to fly!!