Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Dare to fly with Eagles...Finale

Writen by Nyretta Boshoff
Having grown up largely spending much of my time in the bush, made me very aware of the incredible  Birds of Prey that we have here in Africa. Two of my absolute favourites have to be the beautiful African Fish Eagle and the majestic Black Eagle.  Both have very unique characteristics and BOTH have the most hauntingly,  beautiful cry.

The Fish Eagles' timing when it comes to fishing is something to behold, and very seldom will you hear that call and see that swooping as they almost appear to dive into the water without their talons roped around their upcoming meal.    We often hear about timing - Oh that was "the wrong timing" or "what about Gods timing" or "When IS the right timing?".

The Bible devotes almost a whole chapter to timing, leaving us with a very telling conclusion.  Yes, there is a time for everything, and if we take a cue  from the fish eagle, we will see that much of it is instinct, is training that came from the parents and also that conditions were just right!

Ecc 3: 1 Theres an opportune time to do things,  a right time for everything on earth...
A right time for birth and another for death, a right time to plant and another to reap....
AND a whole lot more.. but the conclusion....
Ecc 3:12 Ive decided that theres nothing better to do than to go ahead and have a good time and get the most out of life. Thats it - eat, drink and make the most out of your job.  It's Gods' Gift.