Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Soar with Eagles...(5)

FRESH meat, fish or bird is the staple diet of the majestic eagle.  They have the eagle eye to spot their prey from kilometers away and they have the speed to swoop down and launch a swift attack.  They have the strength to catch prey as large, if not larger than themselves and carry it off with the strength found in extremely powerful talons.

Feeding on the "fresh meat" of the Word on a daily basis sharpens our senses to catch the right "prey"(the right business opportunity, the right circumstance etc) that might present itself to us at the right time.  It enables us to apply the right tactic and it gives us the strength and tenacity to go for the right opportunity that might present itself to us.

Feed on the Word Daily until its principles become an "instinct" that helps us gain the wisdom and understanding needed to rise in life! "Fresh Daily Meat" will help us gain the strength needed to soar with the other eagles, high above storms, onto higher heights and into winds that allow us to glide and rest and rise all at the same time!!