Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Role Players in Life...

It is natural to wonder about why I was put here on this earth! What is MY  role and my purpose! Was I born for anything specific  and how can I actually make a difference. 

I think within us is a natural desire to contribute and make a difference somewhere - it makes us better, more whole, fulfilled human beings.  Start by looking at the different passions you may have, at the natural gifting and talents, at the different desires found by looking deep within.  Just know that you and I were made to contribute, to contribute to our families, to the needs of our fellow man and possibly to the needs of a group of the MANY species that find themselves on the endangered list!! 

700 Mountain Gorillas Alive on this beautiful planet of ours!

The Big Old Silver Back!
 "Eight African nations have enacted laws to protect gorillas.  The main threats to them are deforestation and fragmentation of habitat, poaching, civil wars and unrest, as well as disease transmission from humans."   These awesome creatures have seen much death and violence and many humans intervening on their behalf aswell!!