Besides the gnarled beauty of the trees that we see surrounding us and some of the more obvious benefits that they provide, of THE most important roles they play on this "Big Blue Marble" of ours is to clean the air of certain otherwise detrimental toxins found in the air.
The word, positive experiences and confessions and songs we listen to, all build the positive side of our brains. This will in turn release positive chemicals into our bodies and start to outweigh and overpower the negative side and negative chemicals! The negative side will always be there (its not possible to completely clean the air), but the positive will push the negative further and further into the background!!!!
Just a couple of the MANY scriptures found in the Word that speaks about the fruit of our mouths!!
Prov 18:7 Fools are undone by their big mouths, their souls are crushed by their words.
Ps 119:65-72 - Truth from your mouth means more to me than striking it rich in a gold mine.